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Brian Kemp Finds Georgians Exercising Their Right to Vote “Concerning”

In leaked audio from a fundraiser on Friday evening, Brian Kemp tells a room full of supporters that Stacey Abrams' grassroots get-out-the-vote program continues to "concern" him, adding "especially if everybody uses and exercises their right to vote." 

  • Press Release
Brian Kemp Finds Georgians Exercising Their Right to Vote “Concerning”

Women Vote Releases NC-02 TV Ad Showing Holding’s Dishonesty

Today, EMILY's List independent expenditure arm Women Vote released new TV ads highlighting the consistent dishonesty displayed by George Holding throughout his time representing North Carolina’s Second District.

  • Press Release
Women Vote Releases NC-02 TV Ad Showing Holding’s Dishonesty

ICYMI: Local Editorial Boards Continue To Endorse EMILYs List Candidates

This weekend, more EMILYs List candidates were endorsed by their local newspapers’ editorial boards. With Election Day a mere 15 days away, it’s clear that our candidates’ hard work is being recognized within their communities. This is only a selection of editorial board endorsements of EMILYs List candidates, not a complete list.

  • Press Release
ICYMI: Local Editorial Boards Continue To Endorse EMILYs List Candidates