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SOUND THE ALARM: RNC Edition Part 3 

July 17, 2024

In case you missed it, Trump’s running mate, J.D. Vance is trying to distance himself from his long-held, extremist views on abortion — not because he’s changed his beliefs, but because he knows how out of touch they are with the American people. At EMILYs List, we have the receipts and we’re here to expose Vance for exactly who he is.

Christina Reynolds, senior vice president at EMILYs List, said the following: 

“Vance will say whatever he thinks will get him elected. His record is clear: he supports ending abortion. He’s proven his clear allegiance to banning abortion, birth control, and IVF, and EMILYs List won’t stop until we’ve exposed his true agenda to every last voter.” 

Vance’s Anti-Abortion Record:

🚨Expressed support for a national abortion ban.
🚨 Opposed exceptions for rape and incest, saying that “two wrongs don’t make a right.” 
🚨 Claimed that fetuses should have protection “from the moment of conception.”
🚨 Praised the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade. 
🚨 Endorsed by and received A+ rating from anti-abortion group SBA List.
🚨 Endorsed by anti-abortion group Ohio Right to Life.
🚨 Co-sponsored the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which spreads misinformation with the goal of banning safe and legal abortion.
🚨 Suggested forced births should be considered an “opportunity” for women.
🚨 Compared abortion to slavery, saying that both have a “morally distorting effect on the entire society.”

Vance’s Anti-Birth Control, Anti-IVF, Anti-Women Record:

🚨Voted against national protections for IVF.
🚨 Opposed efforts to codify the right to contraception in the Ohio Constitution.
🚨 Opposed requirements for employers to provide contraception to employees.
🚨 Failed to show up to a vote on national protections for contraception. 
🚨 Opposed no-fault divorce and suggested women should stay in “violent” marriages because divorce made children “unhappy.”
🚨 Said “childless adults” who rejected the traditional American nuclear family were “unhappy” and the “most miserable and angry people.”
🚨 Called universal childcare a “class war against normal people.”