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EMILYs List Responds to President Obama’s Farewell Address

Today, after eight years in office, President Barack Obama gave his final presidential address to the nation. EMILYs List President Stephanie Schriock released a statement in response. 

  • Press Release
EMILYs List Responds to President Obama’s Farewell Address

EMILYs List and Partners to Host Major Candidate Training on January 22nd

EMILYs List, the nation’s largest resource for women in politics, today announced that it will hold a candidate training on January 22nd for approximately 500 women interested in running for office who will be attending the Women’s March on Washington. The training will be hosted by EMILYs List in partnership with the Latino Victory Fund,…

  • Press Release
EMILYs List and Partners to Host Major Candidate Training on January 22nd

EMILYs List to Sponsor Women’s March on Washington

Today EMILYs List, the nation’s largest resource for women in politics, announced their official sponsorship of the Women’s March on Washington. 

  • Press Release
EMILYs List to Sponsor Women’s March on Washington