• Press Release

EMILYs List Statement on Texas Supreme Court Ruling in Zurawski v. Texas

May 31, 2024


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the Texas Supreme Court issued a devastating ruling in Zurawski v. Texas denying Texans the right to abortion care even in the case of fatal fetal diagnoses and extreme threat to the life and health of the pregnant person. This decision upholding one of the most extreme abortion bans in the nation will continue to put millions of Texas lives at risk and force patients to flee the state for care or endure dangerous, and potentially deadly, pregnancies. EMILYs List President Jessica Mackler released the following statement in response to the ruling:

“The lengths Texas Republicans and extremist judges have been willing to go to strip Texans of their fundamental reproductive freedoms are alarming and grotesque — and this ruling is no exception. Like so many Republicans across the country, they are using the courts to sidestep the will of the people and using Texas women and families as pawns in their political power games. Today’s decision doubles down on what was already one of the most restrictive bans in the country, and is an outright denial of civil rights to the brave women who brought forth the suit and to all Texans across the state.”

“This decision is a painful and sobering reminder of the critical importance of electing Democratic pro-choice women up and down the ballot who will fight back against these injustices and work to restore our rights. EMILYs List is proud to be standing in this year’s election with Texas congressional candidates Michelle Vallejo and state Rep. Julie Johnson, and Texas state House candidates Mihaela Plesa, Averie Bishop, and Kristian Carranza. These women are courageously working to bring back reproductive freedom for Texans, and we know that they can triumph over anti-choice extremism this November.”

EMILYs List, the nation’s largest resource for women in politics, works to elect Democratic pro-choice women up and down the ballot and across the country with a goal of fighting for our rights and our communities. Our work is centered around a fundamental vision: Run. Win. Change the World. EMILYs List has raised $850 million in service to that vision and has helped Democratic women win competitive elections by recruiting and training candidates, supporting and helping build strong campaigns, researching the issues that impact women and families, running one of the largest independent expenditure operations for Democrats, and turning out women voters to the polls. Since our founding in 1985, we have helped elect the country’s first woman as vice president, 175 women to the House, 26 to the Senate, 20 governors, and over 1,500 women to state and local office. More than 40% of the candidates EMILYs List has helped elect to Congress have been women of color. Visit www.emilyslist.org for more information.