• Press Release

EMILYs List Endorses Three More Women Leaders for the Georgia General Assembly

July 24, 2020

For Immediate Release 
July 24, 2020 

EMILYs List Endorses Three More Women Leaders for the Georgia General Assembly

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, EMILYs List, the nation’s largest resource for women in politics, endorsed three more women leaders for the Georgia General Assembly. Stephanie Schriock, president of EMILYs List, released the following statement: 
“EMILY’s list is thrilled to expand our endorsements in Georgia with three outstanding public servants. These women are passionate advocates for affordable health care, commonsense gun reform, and Georgia’s public schools. As champions for women and working families, EMILYs List is confident that they have what it takes to hold Governor Brian Kemp and the state Republican Party accountable for refusing to put people before politics. We are proud to stand with them as they fight for Georgians’ voting rights, and we look forward to helping them cross the finish line this fall after their primary runoff elections in August.” 
EMILYs List endorsed the following women: 
Nikki Merritt (SD-09)
Lisa Campbell (HD-35)
Anne Westbrook (HD-163)
These endorsements are in addition to 11 previously endorsed EMILYs List candidates in Georgia: Jen Jordan (SD-06), Sally Harrell (SD-40), Mary Frances Williams (HD-37), Mary Robichaux (HD-48), Angelika Kausche (HD-50), Betsy Holland (HD-54), Bee Nguyen (HD-89), Beth Moore (HD-95), Donna McLeod (HD-105), Shelly Hutchinson (HD-107), Jasmine Clark (HD-108).
EMILYs List, the nation’s largest resource for women in politics, has raised over $600 million to elect pro-choice Democratic women candidates. With a grassroots community of over five million members, EMILY's List helps Democratic women win competitive campaigns – across the country and up and down the ballot – by recruiting and training candidates, supporting strong campaigns, researching the issues that impact women and families, and turning out women voters to the polls. Since our founding in 1985, we have helped elect 150 women to the House, 26 to the Senate, 16 governors, and nearly 1,100 women to state and local office. Nearly 40 percent of the candidates EMILYs List has helped elect to Congress have been women of color. During the historic 2017-2018 cycle, EMILYs List raised a record-breaking $110 million and launched a record independent expenditure campaign. We helped elect 34 new women to the House, including 24 red-to-blue victories; enough seats to have delivered the U.S. House majority alone. Since the 2016 election, more than 55,000 women have reached out to EMILY's List about running for office laying the groundwork for the next decade of candidates for local, state and national offices.
Press Contact
Ianthe Metzger
(202) 419-3169
[email protected]