• Press Release

EMILYs List Congratulates Newly Elected Wisconsin Lt. Gov. Sara Rodriguez on Her Victory

November 9, 2022

November 9, 2022

EMILYs List Congratulates Newly Elected Wisconsin Lt. Gov. Sara Rodriguez on Her Victory

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today EMILYs List, the nation’s largest resource for women in politics, congratulates Sara Rodriguez on her victory in her race for Wisconsin lieutenant governor. EMILYs List President Laphonza Butler released the following statement: 

“Sara Rodriguez is a proven leader with a track record of problem-solving and championing Wisconsinites health care access. As an assemblymember, Rodriguez worked to repeal the state’s abortion ban and has spent her career dedicated to bettering the lives of her community. We know we can count on her to defend reproductive rights and protect equality across the state. We are thrilled to congratulate her on this victory.”

Sara Rodriguez is a nurse, small business owner, state assemblymember, and working mom. Rodriguez has more than 20 years of experience in the business and health care sector with a record of advocating for access to quality health care, small businesses, and education. When first elected to the state Assembly, she flipped a long-held Republican district blue. As lieutenant governor she will work to better schools, increase access to quality education, and expand equality and opportunity for all Wisconsinites.”

EMILYs List, the nation’s largest resource for women in politics, works to elect Democratic pro-choice women up and down the ballot and across the country with a goal of fighting for our rights and our communities. Our work is centered around a fundamental vision: Run. Win. Change the World. EMILYs List has raised over $700 million in service to that vision and has helped Democratic women win competitive elections by recruiting and training candidates, supporting and helping build strong campaigns, researching the issues that impact women and families, running one of the largest independent expenditure campaigns for Democrats, and turning out women voters to the polls. Since our founding in 1985, we have helped elect the country's first woman as vice president, 159 women to the House, 26 to the Senate, 16 governors, and nearly 1,400 women to state and local office. More than 40% of the candidates EMILYs List has helped elect to Congress have been women of color. Visit www.emilyslist.org for more information.