Mazeski Gets Endorsement From EMILYs List

November 21, 2017

NBC Chicago: Mazeski Gets Endorsement From EMILY's List

By Mary Ann Ahern

With 10 candidates vying in the Democratic primary to face Congressman Peter Roskam, EMILY's List is endorsing Kelly Mazeski.

EMILY's List President Stephanie Schriock said Mazeski's “experience and perspective is exactly the change that Chicagoland families deserve in Congress — and EMILY's List is proud to stand with her.”

EMILY's List is the nation's largest resource for women in politics. The endorsement means, EMILY's List will introduce Mazeski to other EMILY's List social media followers and mailing lists, a critical fundraising boost. As well, they will serve as advisors in her campaign.

“I am deeply honored to have received the endorsement of EMILY's List,” Mazeski told NBC 5. “Their support will help me beat Peter Roskam next November. Roskam has turned his back on the constituents of the Illinois 6th Congressional District.”

The 57-year-old is a cancer survivor who has run for the state senate and is a member of the Barrington Hiills Plan Commission.

Other Democrats gathering petitions for the March 20 primary are: Grace Haaf, Jennifer Zordani, Becky Anderson Wilkins, Sean Carsten, Carole Cheney, Amanda Howland, Suzy Price, Austin Songer, and Ryan Huffman.