Mikie Sherrill

A Navy Veteran Fighting for Affordability, Opportunity, and Freedom in New Jersey
Rep. Mikie Sherrill currently represents New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. She graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1994 and spent nearly 10 years on active duty in the United States Navy. After leaving the Navy in 2003, Rep. Sherrill attended law school at Georgetown University. She joined the U.S. Attorney’s Office in New Jersey as an Outreach and Reentry Coordinator working to build trust between law enforcement and community members and assist the formally incarcerated to successfully reenter society. Then as an Assistant U.S. Attorney, she prosecuted cases to keep our communities safe and take illegal guns off the streets. She ran and won her election for the U.S. House in 2018 – flipping the district from red-to-blue – with the support of EMILYs List. Rep. Sherrill and her husband, Jason, live in Montclair, New Jersey and have four children.
Putting Working Families First
While in Congress, Rep. Sherrill’s record of delivering for New Jersey has been unmatched. After years of delay, she secured the federal funding needed to move forward on the Gateway Tunnel — the largest infrastructure project in American history, which will create thousands of good paying Union jobs and reduce commute times for New Jersey families.
She is a champion for reproductive freedom, working to protect Title X funding, emergency abortion care, and access to reproductive care for servicewomen and military families. Her End Judge Shopping Act of 2023 would stop anti-choice groups from cherry-picking courts with single-judge divisions to manipulate our judicial system.
In 2023, she was named the most effective member of the New Jersey congressional delegation by the nonpartisan Center for Effective Lawmaking.
Keep New Jersey Safe
Rep. Sherrill is running to be New Jersey’s next governor, a seat currently held by Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy. While New Jersey has been a traditionally Democratic leaning state, this past November, Republicans only lost the state by five points at the top of the ticket — the closest margin in recent history. Additionally, a Democrat has not won a third consecutive gubernatorial seat in decades. Rep. Sherrill has proven time and time again to be a strong candidate who knows how to build winning coalitions – and consistently turns out more voters than any other New Jersey House Democrat. Her broad base of support is critical in ensuring that we have a Democratic pro-choice champion in the governor’s office. Her strong track record passing bipartisan legislation to better the lives of all New Jersey families speaks for itself and we are thrilled to endorse her in this race. Rep. Sherrill is a proven fighter who will always focus on the needs of New Jersey families.