Lucy McBath

A passionate advocate for justice
Rep. Lucy McBath is a powerful advocate for justice running for her fourth term in Congress to fight for Georgia’s working families. The daughter of a nurse and the former president of the Illinois branch of the NAACP, McBath grew up attending rallies and marches for civil rights. After 30 years working as a Delta flight attendant, McBath has focused her second career on advocating for reforms that will make America safer for all families. In 2012, McBath’s son Jordan Davis was shot and killed at a gas station in Florida while playing music in his car. Losing her son to gun violence intensified McBath’s lifelong commitment to community activism and justice. After serving as a national spokesperson and faith and community outreach organizer for Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action, she ran for Congress in 2018 and was reelected twice with the full support of EMILYs List. In Washington, she works tirelessly to ensure our communities are safe places where all working families can thrive.
A tireless champion for Georgia working families
McBath is dedicated to expanding economic opportunity for all Georgians and to creating good-paying jobs. As a mom who worked hard as a flight attendant for 30 years, McBath knows firsthand how tough it can be for working parents to make ends meet, and she is working tirelessly to lead her community and our country forward through challenging times. McBath has received national recognition for her advocacy to prevent gun violence and protect children, and, as a two-time breast cancer survivor, quality health care is deeply personal to her. McBath is also a voting rights champion fighting to defend our democracy. She helped pass the For The People Act to restore election integrity — legislation that includes her bill preventing election officials from having a direct stake in the outcome of the election they are overseeing. Now more than ever, as extremist Republicans try to undermine voting rights to promote their anti-abortion agenda, we need her experience and perspective in Congress.
A critical reelection fight
As Georgia’s Republicans have repeatedly targeted McBath in redistricting, she has remained a consistent champion for Georgians. In her first groundbreaking run for office she flipped a seat once held by Newt Gingrich that had been under Republican control since 1979 and had never been represented by a Democratic woman or a person of color until her historic victory in 2018. Now, once again, she faces a tough reelection fight against Republicans doing everything they can to dilute the power of Georgia’s voters. With so much of our progress at stake, let’s show McBath the full support of the EMILYs List community to keep this champion for Georgia working families in the House fighting to protect reproductive freedom, eliminate gun violence, and take back the Democratic majority.